What Diet Supplements Are Right For You?

Maybe you are already eating well. Maybe you exercise regularly. You breathe in deeply and cleanse the blood of impurities, and you look at the world in a positive way. Maybe, as a result of all these good changes, you have noticed your clothes are looser. Look in the mirror and you may see your face is thinner, more angular.

You are losing weight, steadily reaching your goal, but you are not quite where you want to be. As much as you exercise and continue to eat well, however, you find yourself at a standstill. This is also known as reaching a plateau. Instead of climbing higher toward your goal weight, you have stopped and cannot seem to find another path.

It is not surprising that such situations often lead people to backslide into weight gain. To come so far without finishing is very frustrating. In these situations, it may be prudent to try a supplement to restart the weight loss process and urge your body back into fat burning mode. With all the different types of diet pills out there, how do you know which ones will work, and which ones will hinder your weight loss?

Peruse the supplement shelf at any health food or department store, and you will be bombarded with bold lettering, girls in bikinis, and grand promises. Flashy commercials and celebrity endorsements do well to sell diet pills, but it is important to research each product before putting anything in your body. If you do not know what a particular weight loss supplement can do, it can have adverse effects on your physical health. One day of severe illness may be enough to put you off supplements for good.

Here are some things to think about before you try any diet supplement.

Weight: How much weight do you really need to lose? Are you trying to take off those last ten pounds, or do you want to lose more?

History of illness: Do you have a heart condition? Do you have diabetes or problems with your thyroid? Are you allergic to anything? Read labels before you buy. Some supplements may contain ingredients designed to speed up your heart rate, and they may cause damage if your heart cannot take the sudden pace.

Purpose: What do you want the supplement to do? Do you want to burn fat, control your appetite, or block carbohydrates? Some pills may be packaged to do all three and more, but if you are looking for something specific it may be best to find a more streamlined supplement.

Cost: Is the supplement cost effective? How many pills do you get per bottle? Some supplements may cost upwards of fifty or sixty dollars a bottle, and be as effective as a product that costs half of that. Consult a consumer watch website or magazine for a comparison of products. The only thing you lose shouldn't be your money.

With thoughtful research, and a thumbs-up from your physician, a diet supplement can help you off that weight loss plateau. But before you take anything, take the time to make a good decision for your health.

Kathryn Lively writes for Compuslim, custom fit weight loss for busy lifestyles.

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